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Category: Special Issue: Media and Emotions

New Article: Affect and Dialogue in Collaborative Cross- Disciplinary Research: Developing Interactive Public Art on Cardiff Bay Barrage

Alice Entwistle / Inga Burrows / Fiona Carroll / Nathan Thomas / Mark Ware / Gareth Loudon Published Online: 2017-12-29 | DOI: Abstract Where Cartesian philosophy distinguishes the perceiving and perceptual mind from the body, phenomenology constitutes the experiential/experiencing body as the subject, giving rise to...

psycheground skoocha 193, Sullivan Room, New York City, NY, USA, August 21, 2009 | © Courtesy of rei hardt/Flickr.

New Article: Reclaiming Melancholy by Emotion Tracking? Datafication of Emotions in Health Care and at the Workplace

Nina Janasik-Honkela Published Online: 2017-12-29 | DOI: Abstract Since the time between the world wars, the language of emotions has been dominated by the discourse of therapy, starting a style of emotional expression and...

New Article: Affective Iconoclasm-Codes of Labour as a Human Characteristic

Melissa Gronlund Published Online: 2017-12-29 | DOI: Abstract This text argues that a number of recent works of contemporary art have developed an anthropomorphised code to signal “humanness.” Primary within this code is representations of labour,...

New Article: Whimsical Bodies and Performative Machines: Aesthetics and Affects of Robotic Art

Treva Michelle Pullen Published Online: 2017-12-29 | DOI: Abstract This article explores the ways in which robots’ behaviours are designed and curated to elicit reactions from their human counterparts. Through the work of artists such as...

New Article: This Pussy Grabs back: Humour, Digital Affects and Women’s Protest

Inger-Lise Kalviknes Bore / Anne Graefer / Allaina Kilby DOI: Abstract The “affective” turn has enabled many scholars to theorise media representations not only as texts that can be distantly decoded but also as a matter of emotional...

New Article: Motion Capturing Emotions

Karen Wood / Rosemary E. Cisneros / Sarah Whatley Published Online: 2017-12-29 | DOI: Abstract The paper explores the activities conducted as part of WhoLoDancE: Whole Body Interaction Learning for Dance Education which is an EU-funded Horizon 2020 project. In...

New Article: Stranger-ness and Belonging in a Neighbourhood WhatsApp Group

Natalie Dixon Published Online: 2017-12-29 | DOI: Abstract The messaging application WhatsApp is often adopted in urban neighbourhoods to distribute and discuss information as part of neighbourhood watch programmes. In this context, certain notions of information...

New Article: “just hanging out with you in my back yard”: Mark Zuckerberg and Mediated Paternalism

Ben Little  and Alison Winch Published Online: 2017-12-29 | DOI:  Abstract In a video that showcases a new Facebook feature, Mark Zuckerberg chats to his users, telling them that he’s “just hanging out with you in my...

2/25/17 - sock knitting workshop, February 25, 2017 | © Courtesy of romanlily.

New Article: How Bell Canada Capitalises on the Millennial: Affective Labour, Intersectional Identity, and Mental Health

Meg Peters Published Online: 2017-12-29 | DOI: Abstract Since 2010, the large telecommunications company, Bell Canada, has invited Canadians to “break the stigma” around mental illness through a campaign called #BellLetsTalk. The campaign claims...