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Tagged: Feminism

New Article: Beyoncé’s Slay Trick: The Performance of Black Camp and its Intersectional Politics

Constantine Chatzipapatheodoridis Published Online: 2017-12-29 | DOI: Abstract This article pays attention to African-American artist Beyonce Knowles and her performance of black camp. Beyonce’s stage persona and performances invite multiple ideological readings as to what pertains...

New Article: This Pussy Grabs back: Humour, Digital Affects and Women’s Protest

Inger-Lise Kalviknes Bore / Anne Graefer / Allaina Kilby DOI: Abstract The “affective” turn has enabled many scholars to theorise media representations not only as texts that can be distantly decoded but also as a matter of emotional...

Talking about Birth Control in 1877: Gender, Class, and Ideology in the Knowlton Trial

Flore Janssen Published Online: 2017-11-30 | DOI: Abstract This article explores the debate around widening access to birth control information in the late nineteenth century through a case study of Annie Besant’s participation in the 1877...