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Tagged: identity

Hernan Bas, Florida Living Exhibition, Feb. 14 - Aug. 20, Returning to the SCAD Museum in Savannah, Georgia, USA, April 7, 2017 | © Courtesy of JR P/Flickr.

African-American Artists and Performers between Camp Aesthetics and Racial Identity: Black Camp as a Critical Category

This article presents a blog version of Anna Pochmara and Justyna Wierzchowska’s panoramic introduction to “Notes on the Uses of Black Camp”: A special issue of Open Cultural Studies published in its inaugural, first...

Cultural and Linguistic Translation of the Self: A Case Study of Multicultural Identity Based on Eva Hoffman’s Lost in Translation

Francesca Maria Frittella Published Online: 2017-12-14 | DOI: Abstract The present article explores the profound impact of intercultural contact on identity, a topic that is gaining in relevance as multicultural experiences become increasingly common in globalised...