Tagged: nineteenth-Century
Richard Warren Published online: 2017-04-26 | DOI: https//doi.org/10.1515/culture-2017-0007 Abstract This article considers four paintings by Caspar David Friedrich of a national romanticist nature. It examines the role of Rome and Germania’s ancient conflict in...
TOPICAL ISSUE BY Dr Ana Cristina Mendes (University of Lisbon) Dr Iolanda Ramos (Nova University of Lisbon) DESCRIPTION From novels to government reports, the Victorians attached unprecedented significance to domesticity. The...
Patricia Vilches Published Online: 2017-05-12 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/culture-2017-0003. Abstract This study analyses chivalry, materialism, and the grotesque in Alberto Blest Gana’s El ideal de un calavera [The Ideal of a Rogue] (1863) under the light...